Screw Jack Full Detail with Definition,Drawing,Application,Matterial,Efficiency,Velocity Ratio & Mechanical Advantage.
Disassembled Part's with Dimensions :-
Screw Jack is a weight lifting mechanical device,which can be operated by turning a lead screw.It can lift heavy bodies verticaly for a short height.
Part's Of Screw Jack :-
A mechanical screw jack contains 7 parts in it.Which can be defined as below.
It is a main part of the screw jack which provides support to the Nut and the Lead screw in it.A body of screw jack is specially made by cast iron.
It can be defined as a simple nut which is made of Gun metal.A lead screw goes upward and downward in it.
It is a simple lead screw which goes upward and downward in but by turning by using Tommy bar.
4.Tommy Bar:-
It is a simple mild steel bar.It is use to turn the lead screw by placing it in a hole of lead screw body.It's handle is being properly knurled for a better grasp.
5.Set Screw:-
It is a simple flat head screw with a square slot on it.It is placed to grasp a cup on lead screw spindle.
A Washer is used in in cup of screw jack.Which does not make permission to go the head of screw another side of it and makes a proper contact.
It is a part of the screw jack which is placed on the top of the screw spindle with the set screw.This cup is uses to support the heavy body which is to be lift.
Material of Parts :-
Material of all parts are given below.
1.Body - Cast Iron
2.Nut- Gun Metal
3.Lead Screw - Mild Steel
4.Set Screw - Mild Steel
5.Tommy Bar - Mild Steel
6.Washer - Mild Steel
7.Cup - Cast Steel
Right Half Section Of Screw Jack :-
Here I have represented the Half Section 3D view of screw jack.It helps to imagine a section view during making a sectioned part's Drawing.
Assembly Of Screw Jack :-
Here I have presented an animation video of screw jack which help you to understand that how can we assemble different parts of screw jack.
Here I'm presenting the all parts of the screw jack with Proper Dimensionin mm.
Front View with Right section :-
I have drawn the front view of the screw jack with Right half section.
Top View :-
Here is presented top view of Screw Jack.
Velocity Ratio & Mechanical Advantage:-
= Distance covered by effort/Distance covered by weight.
If efficiency is 100% then:- M.A = V.R
Mechanical Advantage = 2ΟR/p
R = Length of handle
p= Pitch of screw thread
Efficiency of Screw Jack :-
d = mean diameter
p = pitch of screw
a = Helix angle
P = Effort at handle
Note :- efficiency of screw jack depends on Helix angle of thread & angle of friction.
Differential Screw Jack :-
It is also known as Hunter Screw Jack.In this type of screw jack we use two screws.One is of large diameter and another is of small dia.We turn large dia screw by turning it the load moves two times of pitch.It will clear by the figure.
If efficiency is considered as 100% then.
M.A = V.R
R = Length of handle
Pa = Pitch of Screw A
Pb = Pitch of screw B
Note :- If Pa = Pb then the V.R and M.A will be infinite so the machine is be useless.
Application of Screw Jack:-
Screw Jack uses to lift heavy bodies and heavy vehicles like Car,Bus,Truck, Trolley etc. To change there wheels.
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